Stopping Iterative Algorithms

Iterative algorithms allow for different stopping criteria such as:

  • TimeStoppingCriterion: Define a maximum time in seconds
  • ImprovementStoppingCriterion: Stop after improvement between two iterations is below a certain threshold
  • IterationStoppingCriterion: Stop after maxIter number of iterations

Multiple criteria can be added as follows:

PARAFAC alg = new PARAFAC();
alg.addStoppingCriterion(CriterionUtils.iterations(1000)); // Stop after 1000 iterations
alg.addStoppingCriterion(CriterionUtils.time(100)); // Stop after 100 seconds
alg.addStoppingCriterion(CriterionUtils.improvement(10E-10)); // Stop if relative improvement is less than 10E-10


  • Algorithm stops if one of the criteria matches
  • Adding a certain criterion multiple times will result in overwriting.